Notification when saving entries in collections
Whenever you saved an entry in a collection, you were automatically forwarded to that collection. This was annoying when you wanted to add several bookmarks to a collection. From now on you will no longer be automatically redirected to the collection. Instead, a message will appear in which collection the entry was saved. You can then click on the name of the collection to go there.
Notification when other users add an item to a shared collection
If you have shared a collection with other users and one of these users added an entry to that collection, you were not informed about. Now everyone who has access to that shared collection will receive a notification by email.
What's new link
When you are logged in, you will see a “What’s new” link on the top of the page for about two weeks after the newest release. When you click that link, you will open the latest rubra release notes where you can read about the newly added features.
Set invitation link to "Never expires"
When you want to invite another user to one of your collections, you can now set this link to “never expires”. So far it was only possible to set a link that expires after some time.